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Drupal 8 Routing: Decoupling the hook_menu

By Ashish Thakur Sep 17, 2014
Drupal 8 Routing: Decoupling the hook_menu
Drupal 8 Routing: Decoupling the hook_menu

This webinar has now ended. Please view the session recording below.


Learn how routing is handled in Drupal 8, and how the hook_menu() is decoupled.

Drupal 8 is taking the same path as other MVC (Model View Controller) frameworks like Ruby and Symfony, which makes it easier for developers to make an easy entry. Much of the Drupal code which seemed alien before now seems familiar to developers with experience in other frameworks

The all new Drupal 8 routing implements Symfony2's Routing component and the Symfony2 CMF Routing component extension. As a result, the way routes are defined in Drupal 8 has changed. In this webinar, our speaker would share how routing is handled in Drupal 8.  He will also cover how the hook_menu() is decoupled.

Who Should Attend This?

  • Drupal developers
  • PHP Developers
  • Anyone interested in Drupal 8

Why Should You Attend This?

  • To understand how to handle routing in Drupal 8 (D8)
  • To learn about the architectural changes in D8
  • To discover how D8 is similar to other MVC frameworks like Symfony, Ruby
  • To understand how page callbacks, menu links, local tasks and contextual links etc are separate concepts in D8 which were tightly coupled in D7 as a single function hook_menu()
Ashish Thakur


Ashish Thakur

Ashish Thakur is Tech Lead at Srijan Technologies. He has been working with Open Source technologies like Drupal, Solr and Node.js for the past 3 years. He is an active Drupal community member, has contributed a Drupal 8 module (https://drupal.org/project/content_tab) and has also submitted patches to Drupal 8 core.

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