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Native Drupal CRM Systems

By James Abrahams Dec 16, 2015
Native Drupal CRM Systems
Native Drupal CRM Systems

This webinar has now ended. Please view the session recording below.



Learn all about native Drupal CRM Systems, and the OpenCRM module

If you have ever had to build a website for a client and host/integrate/consult with their CRM system, you have probably had this thought before: “Why don't they build this in Drupal?!” Most CRM systems are great for exactly one thing; be it Enterprise, Campaigns or Events. But as soon as you have a specific need that no one thought of before, the level of customisation of the architecture/reporting doesn't quite do it.

Enter Native Drupal CRM systems, as flexible and extendible as Drupal itself. Using the tools that you use everyday for site building (Entities, Fields, Commerce, Ctools, SOLR, Rules, etc.), you can build a CRM system that will meet all your clients’ needs. The webinar takes you through a set of tools made using a package of modules called OpenCRM, and its implementation. It also talks about the current modules in Drupal 7 and gives you a taste of how exciting all of this will be with Drupal 8. 

The Webinar Covers:

  • To understand the theoretical and practical advantages of Drupal CRM systems over systems that don’t use Drupal

  • To know the current state of all native Drupal CRM system in Drupal 7

  • To get a taste of what is to come with Drupal 8

Check out Jamie's complete slide deck.

James Abrahams


James Abrahams

Jamie works with a small UK based company called Freely Give. It started out focusing on helping Church Networks and Charities using native Drupal CRM and has now expanded to working with clients that need a tight integration between their CRM database and their website. Jamie’s work ensures that they don’t need one at all! 

Jamie holds a degree in Physics and Philosophy from the University of Manchester and a Masters of Enterprise in Business. He’s been working since he was 16, managing online communities for his church and various gaming forums working with phpBB2. He handles the business/ideas side of Freely Give.

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