Highchart server is basically used for making up charts which may be a bar graph, pie chart, highstocks,maps etc.Setting up a highchart server is pretty easy, where in one needs to install the following Pre-Requisite as such –
Apache Maven Server.
Java 1.8 (Not below the mentioned Version)
install Maven 3 (Not below the mentioned Version)
install PhantomJS 2.0 (Not below the mentioned Version)
I) Highchart export server Generation using Apache Maven Server
One needs to clone the highcharts server repository which can be replicated over here.
Once done simply follow the commands below and create your own Highchart server.
After Cloning the repository, go to the path referenced below –
– HighChartsServer/highcharts-export-server/java/highcharts-export/highcharts-export-web.
The highcharts-export-web has a file named pom.xml which does the internal mapping for highcharts server.
This File contains index.php file which solves it’s dependency for Batik and is part of the exporting module for Highcharts JS.After this, one needs to type sudo mvn clean package which basically adds highcharts-export-web.war into the target folder as such.
Then one needs to run the server- sudo mvn jetty:run which basically compiles the resources mapped in the POM.xml. which is the default host on which the server runs 8080
In the above screenshot, in the Options section one can enter in the JSON data which gets mapped in to the chart image on the right hand side and the Image File Format gives you the available file formats to which the generated image needs to be posted like svg, png or jpeg.
Constructor provides you with the types of charts which can be generated like stockchart, chart, maps etc.
The Callback function provided you with the styling options, where in one can customize the styling attributes in chart such as providing padding,margin,colors etc.
II) Highchart export server generation using PhantomJS.
In order to export the image using PhantomJS one needs to pass a curl post request to PhantomJS server and start PhantomJS server simultaneoulsy.
Open another window and got to -> HighChartsServer/highcharts-export-server/phantomjs and type
The above command will start a PhantomJS server with highcharts-convert.js file as a parameter.
On the first window, go to- HighChartsServer/highcharts-export-server/phantomjs and type
The series parameter consist of the X axis values.
The above command provides a post request to a PhantomJS server which in return provides a base64 chart image which looks something like this:
One can embed the above base64 code into an img tag in the format given below
This can be embedded anywhere in your site and used as per your convenience. For example, if you have a site named Product Hunt, then you can embed the image like the screenshot below:
Hope this Highcharts server proves beneficial to you. Please comment below for any queries or suggestions to improve this process.
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