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The AI & CDP Blueprint for Dynamic Segmentation: A Roadmap to Real-time Personalization

By Nidhi Bhardwaj Oct 5, 2023
The AI & CDP Blueprint for Dynamic Segmentation: A Roadmap to Real-time Personalization
The AI & CDP Blueprint for Dynamic Segmentation: A Roadmap to Real-time Personalization

The ability to offer personalized experience to consumers is critical for businesses to stay ahead in an intensely data-driven competitive market. With 80% customers expecting personalized experience, real-time personalization is taking over industries by storm, cementing its status as a strategy that is here to stay and not just a passing fad. And the journey to real-time personalization begins with dynamic segmentation. Dynamic segmentation, powered by AI (Artificial Intelligence) and CDP (Customer Data Platform), offers a game-changing advantage in this regard. Curious about what dynamic segmentation is, how it facilitates real-time personalization, and where AI-powered CDPs come into play? This blueprint answers all that and guides you through the path to unlocking the full potential of AI-powered dynamic segmentation in achieving real-time personalization and customer satisfaction.

The Role of Dynamic Segmentation in Real-Time Personalization

In a transformative digital world, change is the only constant. Hence, traditional classification methods relying on static factors like demographics, spending patterns, age, etc. are no longer enough for effective customer categorization. It’s time to embrace dynamic segmentation that fosters a more adaptive and responsive marketing strategy, building groups based on data acquired in the moment for each customer. Dynamic segmentation leverages a range of data points based on real-time dynamic attributes to create fluid and adaptable groups. Here, customers can be moved in and out of segments depending on their current actions and changing behavior, interests and engagement levels.

A crucial part and a clear outcome of dynamic segmentation is real-time personalization. It is an approach that offers quick response to recent interactions or data, continuously updating the different segments. This ensures that customers receive tailored content, product, or service recommendations and marketing messages to individual preference in real time. By swiftly adjusting to new customer actions and behaviors, dynamic segmentation facilitates real-time personalization, leading to effective adaptation to more dynamic marketing strategies. This approach not only keeps content fresh and appealing, but also fosters a closer and more responsive connection with the audience, enhancing the overall effectiveness of marketing campaigns. This is where CDPs come into play. CDPs offer the infrastructure and tools needed to collect, update, and use customer data for dynamic segmentation, enabling businesses to target and engage customers more effectively based on their evolving needs and behavior. However, analyzing vast data streams and customizing content and experiences to individual preferences in real-time is no mean feat. AI automates the process of segmentation, seamlessly adapting to changes over time. AI algorithms can continuously evaluate data to detect the evolving preferences and behaviors, recommending analysis-based tailored content. AI optimizes marketing campaigns by promptly adjusting segmentation in response to changing consumer data. A swift and precise audience targeting results in improved dynamic segmentation. This laser-like precision, in turn, offers an enhanced real-time personalized experience to the customers.

The Synergy of AI and CDPs in Dynamic Segmentation

To harness the full potential of dynamic segmentation, one must leverage the capabilities of AI-powered CDPs. AI enables intelligent data analysis, while CDPs collect, analyze, and unify customer data scattered across a brand’s channels and departmental silos, offering a comprehensive view of each customer. Together, they refine dynamic segmentation, facilitating proactive marketing that aligns with evolving preferences of their target audience and offering enhanced customer experience solutions. Here’s how AI-powered CDP segmentation is beneficial for a business:

  • Accurate segmentation & precise recommendations: AI-based CDPs provide real-time customer insights to marketers, leading to better decision-making. This helps generate precise recommendations aligned with evolving consumer preferences. Additionally, they leverage predictive analytics for more accurate segmentation and customer journey optimization. This leads to higher customer satisfaction, increased conversion rates at reduced customer acquisition cost, enhancing overall business performance.
  • Proactive marketing by evaluating in-the-moment customer behavior: AI-based CDPs offer real-time personalization by evaluating customer behavior and preferences on the fly. This facilitates businesses to tweak and deliver relevant content, offerings, and promotional messages at the right moment. At the same time, AI evaluates historical data to predict future customer behavior and generates relevant promotions, enabling proactive marketing.
  • Optimized marketing campaigns: When CDPs take the AI route, businesses can optimize their marketing campaigns through effective analysis of customer data to find out vital factors like the most effective channels, time, frequency, messaging, etc. This leads to stronger customer engagement.
  • Seamless customer journey & brand trustworthiness: AI-based CDPs leverage predictive analytics to foster a seamless customer journey and brand trustworthiness. How? By ensuring consistency across customer interaction channels such as email, social media, etc.  

When combined with the power of AI, CDPs can revolutionize how businesses manage customer data, automating evaluation, predicting behavior, creating more engaging content, and ultimately leading to exceptional customer satisfaction. To enhance the experience of personalization, AI and CDP capabilities stand unparalleled.

CDP+AI Deliver Personalized Customer Experiences Across Various Industries 



Beauty & Personal care

AI-based CDPs help customers identify their unique style and beauty preferences. By collecting and evaluating real-time user data, AI-CDPs offer online style and palette consultations, recommending the most relevant products and services for makeup, skincare & more. Additionally, it manages customer loyalty rewards and offers, enhancing consumer engagement & satisfaction.

Example: L’Oreal, a global cosmetic company, leverages AI-CDP to create personalized solutions for skincare and makeup through its “Style My Hair” and “Modiface” apps. Customers can virtually experiment with different hair colors and makeup looks in real time. This interaction is utilized by AI-CDP to offer customized product suggestions for purchase.

Retail & Ecommerce

AI-CDP offers highly personalized shopping experience through real-time data evaluation, enhancing customer satisfaction. It continuously analyzes customer data, considers in-the-moment interactions, and promptly responds to change in customer behavior and preferences. This facilitates brands to offer tailored recommendations that align with their immediate needs and preferences. This responsiveness and effective targeting also minimizes cart abandonment rates. Additionally, AI-powered predictive analysis ensures that products are available when the customers want them. It also allows customers to virtually try on clothes, accessories, etc. by leveraging AR & AI technologies. This provides a highly interactive and personalized shopping experience, fostering customer engagement and satisfaction.

Example: Amazon uses AI-CDP to evaluate customer browsing and purchasing history, offering personalized product recommendations on its website, app, and even via email marketing.

Packaged food & Grocery

AI-CDP enables appropriate nutritional labeling, facilitating customers in making informed choices. It ensures that the products adhere to the relevant quality control standards, minimizing the risk of customer dissatisfaction and recall. Additionally, it manages loyalty programs, offering rewards & discounts based on data of purchased history, enhancing customer engagement.

Example: AI-CDP helps Kroger to collect real-time data on customer interests and product inventory both, facilitating dynamic pricing adjustments, personalized discounts, and targeted product recommendations through their mobile app.


AI-CDPs focus on the user's medical history and current health data such as electronic health records, diagnostic data, etc. to offer personalized health advice, treatment suggestions, tailored health tips, customized health insurance plan recommendations, etc. It can also match patients with clinical trials that align with their health needs, potentially improving your access to cutting-edge treatments.

Example 1: Mayo clinic leverages its vast database of 7 million anonymized ECGs with the help of AI. It mines this huge data, while safeguarding patient privacy, swiftly and precisely predicting heart failures. A souped up stethoscope and a smartphone help identify current heart issues and predict potential future problems–a step towards improved clinical diagnosis and outcomes.

Marketing & Advertising

AI-CDP transforms marketing and advertising efforts by ensuring customers receive content and promotions that are tailored for them. It helps optimize advertising cost through laser-focused campaigns and enhanced ROI, while delivering personalized experience to the customers. Few of the other strategies that help enhance customer engagement in the marketing and advertising sector are by creating personalized subscription boxes, AI analysis driven precise product recommendations, dynamic pricing, etc., all contributing to heightened customer engagement and brand loyalty.

Example: Netflix uses AI-CDP to analyze user’s viewing data and provide personalized content recommendations, enhancing viewer engagement.



In the world of business flux, AI-enabled personalization via CDPs leverages data-driven insights and advanced algorithms to build customer profiles, monitor customer journeys, fix pain points – thereby driving customer loyalty, engagement, and satisfaction. Businesses must unlock the potential of AI strategies to beat competition and be future-ready. Real-time personalization and dynamic segmentation are key to achieve efficient customer engagement and drive business growth. Srijan helps you enhance the value of data by building new-gen data platforms, leveraging cloud native services. For more details, connect with us now!

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