Blogs | Srijan

Scientific Computation and Data Visualization with Ruby

Written by Sameer Deshmukh | Sep 7, 2016 7:40:00 AM

This webinar has now ended. Please view the session recording below.



Explore scientific computing and data visualization with SciRuby


Fast and easy analysis, visualization of data, and scientific computing in general has been an uphill task for Rubyists due to the lack of suitable libraries. The good news is, the Ruby Science Foundation has introduced several tools that make Ruby a viable and highly approachable programming language for Scientific Computing, Data Analysis and Visualization.

In this webinar we take a look at some innovative ways in which data analysis and visualization can be easily performed in Ruby.  Join the webinar to explore how you can leverage Ruby’s programmer friendly approach to create fast and intuitive scientific libraries.

The Webinar Covers: 

  • The libraries and APIs that are available in Ruby for data analysis, munging & cleaning, visualization and statistical analysis

  • Knowledge of tools for performing interactive computing in Ruby within the browser for better communication and presentation of data and ideas

  • How you can keep your tool chain in the one language (Ruby) and framework you’re most comfortable in, without being forced to delegate the intensive numerical computation part to services written in Python or R

Check out Sameer's complete presentation.