Blogs | Srijan

How to Deal with Emergencies in a Lean/Scrum Team

Written by Avienaash Shiralige | May 13, 2015 8:15:00 AM

This webinar has now ended. Please view the session recording below.​   


Learn how to plan for production emergencies during a sprint

Every Agile team has to deal with different emergencies next to their regular work. Every team’s dream of achieving sustainable pace comes with nightmares of production emergencies, defects, support and maintenance tasks within a sprint which takes the focus completely off the sprint goals.
In this webinar, our speaker would walk you through different approaches that teams can take to absorb a reasonable amount of uncertainty, and to strike a balance between robustness and speed within the sprint. He will share how to deal with "Pivot" in lean product development, where a product has to go through a course correction in terms of vision, market segment and features. And since this is almost an emergency on the business side, we will also see how engineering teams can do course correction in their approach to deal with such scenarios.

Who Should Attend This?

  • Developers
  • Quality Analysts
  • Scrum Masters
  • Product Owners and managers with prior experience of working with lean/scrum teams

Why Should You Attend This?

  • To learn how you can plan for production emergencies during a sprint
  • To know how you can apply strategic and tactical thinking to handle changes
  • To understand how and why to use Kanban in such scenarios
  • To learn how engineering teams need to deal with development when product is in the "Pivot" phase