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Mastering Synergy: Overcoming SRE+FinOPs Implementation Challenges

Written by Gaurav Singh | Aug 30, 2023 9:24:43 AM


In an effort to ensure efficient and reliable operation, organizations today try to strike a balance between performance and cost. While the former takes care of system reliability and an ‘always-on’ scenario, the latter optimizes costs efficiently.

When the best of both worlds come together, it is bound to create some friction that leads to organizational challenges. Goals and practices can get impacted when Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) and Financial Operations (FinOps) – with their specific priorities – come together. Hence, ironing out the creases becomes as critical as integrating the two approaches together in a business.

Identifying Common Pitfalls

Let’s take a look at the common road bumps faced while implementing Site Reliability Engineering solutions in collaboration with Financial Operations approach:

  1. Lack of collaboration between SRE and FinOps teams
    Though the convergence of SRE+FinOps is vital for the organizational goal, lack of collaboration between these critical teams can lead to these barriers:
  • Misaligned goals: Both the SRE and FinOps teams have different priorities. SRE aims at ensuring system reliability. Whereas cloud FinOps’ objective is to optimize cloud cost. Lack of collaboration results in lack of visibility of one team into the other teams’ strategies and opportunities. The teams continue pursuing conflicting goals. This eventually leads to compromising on either system reliability or cost and makes achieving both a far cry. The lack of collaboration may also give rise to a blame-shifting culture that will hinder problem solving and inter-team relationship.
  • Wasted resources: In the absence of proper coordination, the SRE teams may allocate resources based entirely on performance requirements. This totally contradicts the FinOps teams’ efforts in minimizing cloud cost, resulting in overprovisioning, underutilization of resources, inefficient resource utilization, and increased expenses. Hence, lack of collaboration leads to missed chances of optimizing cost through rightsizing, resource consolidation, or other financial strategies.
  • Ununiformed decision making: Inefficient collaboration hinders smooth flow of information between teams. The SRE team might not have visibility into financial data and cost-saving opportunities. And the FinOps team may lack insights into the required technical context to understand the resource utilization pattern, failing to make informed cost-optimization decisions.
  • Delay in incident response: The top priority of the SRE team is to respond to incidents as swiftly as possible to maintain top-notch system reliability. Lack of collaboration between the SRE and FinOps team leads to delayed decision making and may slacken the process of resource allocation during incident response.
  1. Inefficient cloud cost monitoring and optimization
    Cloud cost monitoring tracks and assesses the expenses incurred by a company on different cloud resources. Whereas cloud cost optimization aims at minimizing expenditure on cloud without compromising on quality Inefficiencies in both can pose significant challenges including:
  • Budget overruns: In the absence of proper monitoring and optimization strategies, companies can easily exceed their cloud budget. This results in financial strain and affects day-to-day cloud functionality. Organizations often end up spending on services, resources, and features that are underutilized or left running even when not in use. This results in exhausting the company’s financial resources with minimal output.
  • Lack of visibility: Inefficient cloud cost monitoring leads to lack of visibility into resource utilization patterns, making it hard to spot areas for savings.. On the other hand, companies may focus solely on cost cutting and scaling down resources, without realizing its implications on application performance and user experience.
  • Risk of cloud sprawl: The uncontrolled proliferation of cloud resources creates challenges in managing costs and maintaining system reliability.
  1. Overemphasis on automation without proper planning
    Integral in an organization’s SRE practices, automation helps enhance cloud cost optimization by constantly monitoring usage and adapting to fluctuations in real time. However, an unbalanced focus on automation without proper planning can lead to several issues while implementing SRE+FinOps in an organization:
  • Abrupt cost escalation: Overemphasis on automating resource provisioning and scaling without carefully considering cost implications may result in escalated costs.
  • Inefficient resource utilization: Unplanned automation of processes may lead to overprovisioning and inefficient resource utilization and suboptimal cost efficiency.
  • Lack of monitoring: The lack of proper monitoring poses challenges in identifying and addressing cost and reliability issues.
  • Inadequate training and gaps in skills: Implementing complex automation without adequately upskilling the members can hinder effective implementation of SRE+FinOPs in an organization.
  1. Neglecting security and compliance considerations
    Neglecting security and compliance while implementing SRE+FinOps is risky and can lead to serious consequences. 
  • Regulatory non-compliance: Disregarding regulatory frameworks like HIPAA, GDPR, etc. can lead to penalties, monetary losses, dismissals from panels, legal actions, and so on.   
  • Unauthorized resource access: Without tight security, unauthorized users can misuse resources, compromise data, and disrupt services – all of which can greatly impact the financial health of the organization.  
  • Data breaches and privacy violations: Neglecting security may result in financial fraud, data losses, damaged reputation, legal actions, financial losses, and so on.  
  • Insecure automation: Lack of proper security mechanisms in automation processes can introduce vulnerabilities, which can affect financial operations of the business and loss of reputation in the longer run.

Effective Strategies to Navigate the Challenges

Let’s find out ways to avoid the pitfalls for better organizational stability.

  1. Fostering collaboration and alignment
    Fostering collaboration and alignment between SRE and FinOps teams helps identify resource bottlenecks and areas of cost reduction. This in turn helps implement performance enhancement while ensuring cost-efficient performance. Here’re some strategies to promote collaboration and alignment between the two disciplines:
  • Define and communicate shared objectives that take both reliability and cost optimization into account.
  • Establish regular communication by organizing meetings or cross-team discussions. 
  • Organize cross-team training sessions where SREs grasp finance and FinOps delve into tech.
  • Leverage tools and dashboards to gain visibility in how the systems are performing, while managing costs at the same time. Definite metrics from these tools can help stakeholders access rich insights and make informed decisions.
  1. Implementing effective cost monitoring and rightsizing
    Implementing efficient cost monitoring and rightsizing can stop overprovisioning and underutilization of resources and wasted cost. Here’s how you can implement this strategy:
  • By getting real-time insights into resource consumption and costs through robust cost-monitoring tools and practices. Come up with budget limits ant set alerts to prevent overspending.
  • By choosing the appropriate instance sizes, scaling strategies, etc., consistently evaluate resource utilization patterns, rightsizing instances and service based on actual usage. Assign resources based on your evaluation rather than blanket provisioning.
  • Foster a culture of cost consciousness and owning up expenses within teams.  Introduce detailed cost attribution and tagging mechanisms.
  1. Balanced automation with proper risk assessment
    Lack of risk assessment and over-automation may result in system instability, inefficient provisioning of resources, etc. Hence, balanced automation with proper risk assessment is critical.
  • Identify potential roadblocks of automation by conducting risk assessment as meticulously as possible. This analysis helps adopt precautionary measures to prevent disruptions, and helps you make well-informed decisions.
  • Thorough risk assessment helps identify areas where automation may lead to financial wastage. Based on the evaluation, you can steer clear of wrong decisions and fine-tune automated actions.
  • Balanced automation ensures that it takes both reliability and cost-efficiency into account. It, in turn, fosters collaboration between teams and accelerates the process of implementation.
  1. Ensuring security and compliance from the start
    Neglecting security and compliance can lead to regulatory issues. It can jeopardize sensitive data. Ensuring security and compliance is key.
  • Minimize security breaches and legal complications by incorporating security and compliance measures right from the start. This helps enable regular monitoring and quick detection of issues, ensuring smooth running of the system.
  • Ensure data privacy and build trust with stakeholders by complying with relevant regulations.


Any business targeting to achieve operational efficiency, financial optimization, and overall performance should bring in the solid mix of SRE and FinOps in their approach. Especially in the volatile landscape of technology and business, mastering the integration between Site Reliability Engineering services and Financial Operations not only helps organizations meet the challenges but also unlock untapped potential and achieve excellence.

Srijan has all the necessary expertise, capabilities, and experience to help your business navigate and conquer the challenges of bringing together SRE and FinOps. Reach out to us for more information today!