Blogs | Srijan

Setup React App From Square One Without Using Create-React-App

Written by Pradeep Kumar Jha | Nov 1, 2019 7:00:00 AM

The breakthrough in technology has brought a whole new range of tool suite for developers to make the software development process more efficient. React App is among one of them! A prominent tool recommended by the React community to create single-page applications (SPAs) and also get familiar with React.

React App ensures that the development process is refined enough to let developers leverage the latest JavaScript functionalities for better experiences and optimization of the apps for production.

For one of our clients- a giant retail travel outlet - who went out to get a realistic travel budget in mind for the travelers to plan ahead and avoid spending shocks along the way we built a budget planner. 

Built on React.js on top of Drupal, it is a dynamic feature and can be added anywhere in the website (under blogs, services) without coding. 

Creating React App doesn't require configuration of web pack (bundler for modules) and babel (compiler). They come inbuilt. Developers can right away start with coding here. However, the drawback is that they won’t be able to get an idea about things happening in the background.

If we set up React App without using the Create React App, then we will be able to know which all NPM packages/components are needed to make react app working.

About React App

Create React App was built by Joe Haddad and Dan Abramov. The GitHub repository is well-maintained by the creators to fix errors and deliver updates frequently. 

It is a prominent toolchain for building apps quickly and efficiently. A toolchain can be defined as a set of different s/w development tools that are optimized to perform specific functions. For example, the C++ development process requires the compiler to compile the code and a build system, say CMake, to manage all the dependencies. Similarly, the React App is used to create “hello-world” applications.

This blog will showcase how to create a React app from scratch. The prerequisite is to have the NPM package manager installed in the system.

Below mentioned are the steps for the same-

Step 1- Create an app directory

mkdir myApp

Step 2- Access myApp folder and run 

npm init

This, in turn, will create a package.json file for which you can provide the name and version.


npm init -y

This will create a package.json file with a default package name and version.

Step 3- Install react and react-dom packages

npm install react react-dom

This will create a node_modules folder with all dependent libraries to further add dependency inside package.json file)

Step 4- Create a .gitignore file, to avoid pushing unnecessary files to GitHub

vi .gitignore

Under files section, add all the files which you don’t wish to be tracked by Git

  1. node_modules
  2. dist
  3. ._

dist ( Distributed folder ):- This is an auto-generated build directory. We don’t require this folder because it will be generated by the compiler.

Step 5- Create an app folder

mkdir app

Access app directory and then create three files 

  1. touch index
  2. js index.css
  3.  index.html

Step 6- Edit index.html and add below snippet

<!DOCTYPE html>






        <div id="app"></div>



( No need to add any styling inside index.css file as of now )

Step 7- Edit index.js file and add below snippet

import React from 'react';

import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

import './index.css';

class App extends React. Component{



            <div>Hello World</div>




ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'))

At the time of running this JSX code (XML/HTML- like syntax used by React that extends ECMAScript) in the browser, it will drop an error. Because the JSX code browser doesn’t understand and that is when we require Babel and Webpack.

npm install --save-dev @babel/core @babel/preset-env @babel/preset-react webpack webpack-cli webpack-dev-server babel-loader css-loader style-loader html-webpack-plugin

NPM install takes 3 exclusives, optional flags that either save or duplicate the package version in your main package.

1.  JSON: -S, ~save: 

The package appears in your dependencies

2. -D, 

The package appears in your devDependencies

3. -O, ~save-optional:

The package appears in your optionalDependencies

We will use Flag--save-dev to differentiate between built dependency & app dependency. 

Once installed successfully, you can check the package.json file to check the differences.

Webpack Configuration

Webpack, as stated is a module bundler, which primarily focuses on bundling JavaScript files for usage in a browser. Though it is also capable of transforming, bundling, or packaging just about any resource or asset.

Check the steps below for webpack configuration-

touch webpack.config.js

Step 1- Add below snippet in this file

var path = require('path');

var HtmlWebpackPlugin =  require('html-webpack-plugin');

module.exports = {

    entry : './app/index.js',

    output : {

        path : path.resolve(__dirname , 'dist'),

        filename: 'index_bundle.js'


    module : {

        rules : [

            {test : /\.(js)$/, use:'babel-loader'},

            {test : /\.css$/, use:['style-loader', 'css-loader']}




    plugins : [

        new HtmlWebpackPlugin ({

            template : 'app/index.html'




Step 2- To allow babel-loader work well, we have to add babel preset config to package.json

"main": "index.js",


    "presets" : [





Step 3- To run build, we need to add webpack to script within the package, i.e.,  package.json

"main": "index.js",


    "presets" : [





  "scripts": {

    "create": "webpack"


Step 4- Run below command

npm run create

With this, webpack will be created, which, in turn, will create a dist folder and our bundle file including index.html.

Watch this video to learn more about it


Step 5- Now to start webpack dev server, add below snippet inside package.json file

"scripts": {

    "start": "webpack-dev-server --open"


It will start building our code as soon as we run npm start.

Step 6- All setup is done. Now run `npm run start` command to see the result on the browser.

The final directory structure will somewhat look like this as shown in the picture - 

Note: You might observe some storybook related extra files in the picture. However, these files won’t be visible in your setup. If you want to know about the storybook, stay tuned for our next blog.


I hope that now you have understood the fundamentals of Create React App better. If Yes, then implement the given steps right away and start building your awesome ideas!

Stay tuned for my next blog in which I will discuss Storybook. 

Happy Coding!