Srijan is taking part in DrupalCon portland 2013 as Bronze sponsors. DrupalCon is the biggest Drupal centric event worldwide and expect more than 4500+ attendees next year. It's a huge learning experience that leave a remarkable impact on Drupal ecosystem. It's only place which attracts Drupal businesses and Drupal rockstars at a single place, this is the place where you can have facetime with all those nicknames which you admire all along.
I am excited to be a part of this mega event and look forward to network with fellow Drupalers. There are many interesting sessions expected this year and if you think you can be a part of speakers list, propose a session at Call of papers. We are sure that DrupalCon Portalnd will be a huge success for everyone and would be a fun filled event just like DrupalCon Munich this year.
Come and say us hi at DrupalCon. We'll be updating our booth information on our blog in coming days.