Blogs | Srijan

Jacob Singh with Srijan's Drupal team

Written by Team Srijan | May 2, 2008 7:00:00 AM

Jacob Singh, a well known Drupal guru, agreed to drop in to our office and spend some time understanding the sort of Drupal projects we were engaged in, and assess the level of competence of our people, with the objective that he gets engaged with our team as a mentor for our Drupal projects, specifically the India Environment Portal, which Srijan is building for Centre for Science and Environment, and backed by the National Knowledge Commission.

Jacob, who has led several large Drupal based portals for several non-profits such as Amnesty International,  felt that the India Environment Portal was one of the largest projects on Drupal going around in the world at the moment, in terms of size.

The team pounced on him with questions, and he was generous enough to share several insights and best practices, in a session which was supposed to be 2 hours, but lasted nearly 4 hours. :-)