Blogs | Srijan

Creating More Entrepreneurial Nations - SRIJAN

Written by Rick Spence | Jan 20, 2016 11:03:00 AM

   This webinar has now ended. Please view the session recording below.



Why do developing countries need more entrepreneurs? Discover


Modern economies are struggling with slow economic growth, high government deficits and nagging unemployment. Traditional development strategies lure companies from one location to another, but rarely create new wealth. Meanwhile, persistent unemployment, especially among the youth, is considered a key cause of rootlessness and alienation. How can we solve these problems? 

The solution is to create stronger communities of educated, creative and confident entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship is not just about business; but also personal development, innovation, curiosity, and learning to be of service to others. Successful entrepreneurs create innovation and jobs. As more entrepreneurs succeed, they encourage new entrepreneurs, and the veteran are better able to support the growth and development of the next generation. Discover how, by creating more entrepreneurial communities, we can turn success into a renewable resource!

This Webinar Covers:

  • To understand the importance of creating strong entrepreneurial communities

  • To learn about the role of entrepreneurship in building a more innovative, skilled, and engaged workforce

  • To find ways to support and promote entrepreneurship, on a local and national basis

Don't forget to check out Rick's slide deck!