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Srijan is a Gold sponsor at Decoupled Days

Written by Kimi Mahajan | Jul 5, 2019 7:00:00 AM

Srijan is sponsoring Decoupled Days 2019. The event is scheduled for July 17–18 at New York City, and we couldn’t be more excited about it!

Srijan is a proud Gold sponsor at Decoupled Days 2019. The event brings together a community of professionals from around the world who use, develop, design, and support decoupled architecture. Decoupled architectures use CMS (Drupal, WordPress, etc) as a content service for other non-CMS applications, whether they are in native desktop or mobile, universal JavaScript, set-top boxes, IoT devices, conversational interfaces, or other technologies.

A conference for architects, developers, and businesspeople involved in implementing decoupled CMS architectures, it has an interesting speaker lineup, particularly encouraging members of underrepresented groups to submit proposals. 

Sessions and Tracks

Like every year, attendees this year will witness an interesting lineup around different tracks of sessions for beginners, intermediates, and experts. The five tracks this year are - Headless CMS, Decoupled Drupal, JavaScript and JAMstack, People and Community and Business/CXO track.

Know the Schedule

The two days conference will be jam-packed with sessions happening in parallel. Also, a dedicated room will be available for code sprints on both days. 

  • Wednesday, July 17: Opening remarks, keynote, and five tracks of sessions
  • Thursday, July 18: Keynote, five tracks of sessions, and closing remarks

What’s more?

The largest Drupal company in Asia, Srijan's wide range of offerings in the areas of decoupled architecture, multisite & migration, containerized hosting & orchestration, content as a service, DevOps, performance audit and D8 training, help enterprises scale up the possibilities with Drupal 8.

Srijan offers decoupled solutions at scale to its enterprise clients. It delivers content at scale across your application ecosystem, while ensuring flawless user experience.

Be a part of this amazing conference and make the best out of this opportunity to learn, network and contribute.

Looking to be part of our team? Check out our current openings.